Charging at home

Your bp pulse home smart is idle, powered up and ready for use.

Your bp pulse home smart is connected to your EV and currently charging.

Your bp pulse home smart is 'Disabled', preventing unauthorised use. It will not charge an EV until 'Enabled' either directly via the charger or remotely using the web portal.

Your bp pulse home smart is in fault mode because of a fault or error within the charger. Further diagnostics are indicated by flashing red LEDs.

These flash in a sequence providing a code, the error code can then be translated and used to diagnose the exact issue. See troubleshooting for more information and actions that can be taken to clear the fault or error.

Your bp pulse home smart is receiving and processing an OTA (Over-The-Air) update. It is essential that the charger remains powered on and remains connected to the internet during this process.

Your bp pulse home smart is booting up, carrying out several safety checks and starting up the required services to allow the charger to function.

The startup sequence occurs every time pulse home is powered up, from being switched off, being reset or following an OTA (Over-The-Air) update. The boot-up sequence takes approx. four (4) minutes to complete.

Indicated by a single Red LED flash (upper most two LEDs) regardless of your charger’s status indication means it is not connected to the home Wi-Fi network.

The indication starts once Wi-Fi connection has been lost for approximately 30 seconds. The loss of Wi-Fi connection indication is made every 10 seconds.

Previously connected Wi-Fi networks will automatically reconnect when available.

Contact us

Our Customer Care Team are on hand to give you the support that you need. You can get in touch with us using one of the following channels:



Public charging support

Avaliable 24/7

Home charging support

Monday - Thursday 08.00 - 20.00
Friday 08.00 - 19.00
Saturday 09.00 - 13.00

0330 016 5126

Social media

Social media

Follow bp pulse on social media.