You can report a fault with a charge point quickly and easily - contact us to report a charging point fault.
Yes, the bp pulse network has one of the UK's largest charging networks. As a bp pulse full or free member or pay-as-you-go user, you can charge up and get back on the road quickly.
Check out our live map for full details of all the charging points on the bp pulse network.
In short, it depends.
The speed of charging is determined by the power of the charge points (7kW, 50kW or 150kW) and your EV’s battery size and charging capacity.
Sometimes. If you’re using one of our standard or fast charge points then you will need to take your own Type 2 charging cable with you.
The cable will lock into place once you start your charge, so it can’t be removed while you’re away. You’ll be able to release it once you have stopped your charge.
You won’t need your own cable if you’re using one of our 50kW or 150kW charge points.
When you’ve safely arrived at the bp pulse charging point you wish to use, connect your vehicle using your Type 2 charging cable, or the tethered cable provided.
Next, use the bp pulse app to start your charge.
Via Charge: Enter the charge point ID and click ‘Start Charge’.
Via Live Map: Find your charge point on the map, select it and click ‘Start Charge’
You can also find a charge point by clicking ‘List’ on the map.
On our 3-7kW chargers, the lights next to the charging socket will turn green to indicate a successful connection.
On our 50kW+ chargers, the screen will show you the status of the charge.
When you’ve finished charging, click ‘Stop Charge’ in the app. It might take a couple of seconds for your cable to release.
Please don’t press the red emergency stop button unless there is a real emergency – this will disable the unit until an engineer is able to come to the charge point.
The bp pulse network has more than 8,750 public charging points. These include 7kW fast chargers, 50kW rapid chargers and 150kW ultra-fast chargers on bp forecourts.
You can also use these and pay-as-you-go by contactless card if you’re not registered with bp pulse.
Check out our live map for full details of all the charging points on the bp pulse network.
When you’ve safely arrived at the charge point you wish to use, connect your vehicle using your Type 2 charging cable or the tethered cable provided.
Tap your bp pulse access card on the target which will start the charge. For our 50kW+ chargers, you might need to select which type of cable you want to use before tapping your access card on the target.
When you’ve finished charging, tap your access card on the target and disconnect your cable. Please don’t press the red emergency stop button unless there is a real emergency – this will disable the unit until an engineer is able to attend to the charge point.
Here are some tips if you’re having trouble with your cable after you’ve finished charging:
1. Make sure you’ve stopped the charge in the app or with your RFID card.
2. Check the digital screen to make sure the charge point has recognised the charge has finished. If you’re using one of our 3-7kW units the lights will turn blue to indicate this.
3. Check whether your electric vehicle has a cable release feature. You should find details of this in the vehicle manual from the manufacturer.
If none of the above work, please call our 24/7 customer services team on 0330 016 5126 and we’ll do our best to help you.
Please don’t press the red emergency stop button unless there is a real emergency – this will disable the unit until an engineer is able to attend to the charge point
The bp pulse app displays charge points that are available on the public bp pulse network. For subscription members, there are some charge points that are not currently visible in the app. This is because their hardware does not allow you to start and stop a charge within the app. We’re working on how to fix this but in the meantime, you can still access these charge points with your access card.
Our Customer Care Team are on hand to give you the support that you need. You can get in touch with us using one of the following channels:
Help form
Get in touch with us via our online help form and our team will reach out to resolve your query.
Public charging support
Avaliable 24/7
Home charging support
Monday - Thursday 08.00 - 20.00
Friday 08.00 - 19.00
Saturday 09.00 - 13.00
Request a Receipt
Request a Receipt for your charging session.
Please read our Complaints Policy and our Complaints Resolution Process.